Have you found a killer training tip that will add size to your legs? Whether it's building muscle or losing fat, please share what has worked for you. Use the form below to submit your workout. Click on the question marks in the form for help.
The more information you give us about your leg training tips the better. Since we all workout in home gyms, our equipment types will vary, so be sure to provide an alternative exercise. For example if your routine calls for 3 sets of 10 reps on a leg press machine, indicate dumbbell squats as an alternative exercise.
Be as descriptive as possible: how many sets, reps and rep speed, how many days per week etc. After submitting your workout and it’s approved for publishing, your workout will become a web page on this site.
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Killer free style calf raise in a power rack
I have found a way to do calf raises in a power rack that I've been using for years with super results.
What I do is adjust the safety bars to about …
Just something simple for your legs and calves and ABS
First do every set until failure. If one is all you can do do one.
To warm up the legs use Leg Extensions when in the full contracted state I slap …
A Good Basic Leg Routine Not rated yet
Barbell Squat 4 sets of 6-8 reps
Leg Press 3x10-12
Lunge 3x8-10
Stiff-Leg Deadlift 3x6-8
Leg curl 3x10-12
Calves can be done on a separate …
Build Killer Calf Muscles Not rated yet
Pick any calf exercise...standing, seated, toe press, whatever. Do 75 reps.
Do as many as you can without stopping, then rest for 10 seconds and repeat. …
Calf Raises at Home Not rated yet
Take 2 dumbbells, 1 can be any weight and the other should preferably be heavier.
Sit down on a bench and place the smaller DB underneath you and place …
Easy way to do one leg body weight squats Not rated yet
Can you do one-leg, body weight squats, all the way down until your glute is touching your calf?
If you can, you are a strong Mo-Fo! If you can’t, start …
One Legged Dumbbell Squats Not rated yet
One legged dumbbell squats from an elevated box (or those aerobic platforms work also).
These will allow you to go all the way down to where your butt …
Leg and Calf workout Not rated yet
So you want to work legs, huh? Okay, try this on for size and have your favorite recovery drink ready …. You’re going to need it.
First do get things …
Building legs without squats! Not rated yet
Try this technique with a leg press machine instead. Take the weight you would normally do with two legs, you know the weight you can do with a full range …
Jul 06, 22 01:48 PM
Sep 20, 21 02:39 PM
Jul 07, 21 05:35 PM