First of all, dieting and exercise is the right way to lose body fat, and calories do matter. You must have a calorie deficit if you want to lose fat. Just to maintain your bodyweight you need at least 15 calories per pound to maintain your weight, so a 170lb male needs 15 x 170 =2550 calories per day just to stay the same weight.
If you want to lose weight, reduce the calories to 12 x 170 = 2040 calories per day, or about 500 less EVERY DAY. 500 calories less per day, for a week equals a deficit of 3500 calories. A 3500 calorie loss roughly equals a pound of weight loss.
Fat burning supplements increase the body's metabolism to aid in weight loss and stimulate the breakdown and use of body fat for fuel.
Most contain caffeine and green tea. Green tea is one of the most "proven" fat loss aids available with credible research behind it. Caffeine increases the level of circulating fatty acids, which has been shown to increase the oxidation of fat.
It's always best to start with the smallest recommended dose and see how your body reacts first.
Bottom line: There is no magic pill that will just "melt" away fat. What fat burners can do, at least the quality ones below, is give you a little help in conjunction with a healthy eating and exercise plan.
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VPX Redline Review Not rated yet
When I first began taking REDLINE the first thing I noticed was the taste. HORRIBLE. Mom's old school trick of holding your nose upon ingestion will NEVER …
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Initally I was a bit jumpy, jittery etc,when taking this product, BUT those side-effects went away after the first week.
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Jul 06, 22 01:48 PM
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