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Krill oil vs Fish oil

Although both krill oil and fish oil are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, a crucial nutrient for staying healthy, krill oil does provide a number of significant advantages over fish oil. When you are trying to make the decision of whether to buy krill oil versus fish oil, you need to keep these advantages in mind.

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No Fish Taste

One of the biggest complaints people have when beginning to take fish oil is the fishy taste that can often accompany it. Even worse, the ones with no fish taste when you swallow them can leave you with fishy tasting burps. Many people find this to be an immense turn-off and stop taking the fish oil. Krill oil, on the other hand, has no taste at all and will not cause an aftertaste or "fish burps."

Smaller Size Pill

Many potential fish oil users are also turned off by the size of the typical fish oil capsule. One of the major krill oil benefits is that most brands, including Megared by Schiff, come in a much smaller size that is, quite literally, an easier pill to swallow. This makes it much easier to stay compliant with your Mega red krill oil routine, which in turn helps you stay healthier.

Red Krill Oil Benefits

Red krill oil actually has a very specific advantage that makes it superior to most standard fish oils: Red krill oil contains a pigment known as astaxanthin. This pigment is found in a number of shellfish including lobsters, shrimp, crabs and mussels, as well as krill.

Astaxanthin is a very powerful antioxidant that will help your body fight the free radicals that contribute to a number of diseases and medical conditions, including cancer. Regular fish oil does not contain astaxanthin.

Higher Quality Omega-3s

Even though both oils contain omega-3s, the type of omega 3s that are found in krill oil are actually of higher quality and are easier for your body to use than those found in standard fish oil. This because the acids are linked together in a different structure.

The lipids in fish oil are linked as a triglyceride, whereas the lipids in krill oil are linked together in a form known as phospholipids. The fats in the human body are also linked together in phospholipid form. This means that when these fats are ingested, the body recognizes them and is able to easier absorb them and use them to their full potential.

When making the decision to add an omega-3 supplement to your diet, consider the significant advantages of krill oil versus fish oil, and you will find that the choice is actually quite simple.

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