Ironmaster IM2000 review and pics by Rogermv.
I ordered the entire package of IM 2000 Superbench, Adj. Dumbbells, and all attachments the week after Thanksgiving. It only took a week to get to Houston from Seattle. It arrived by 18 wheeler in 18 boxes. It took me about 3 or 4 days to put everything together, but the instructions were good.
Spacewise, if you get the PecDec then it must be at least 18 inches away from the back wall. You will also need several feet on either side to load the plates. And you will need at least four feet in front to do cable rows. The cables are only rated for 300 LBS.
The IM 2000 may be made in USA but the attachments are made in CHINA.
I have never regretted my purchase and am still finding ways to vary my routine.
It was a lot of cash to cough up, but I thought it was comparable to the cost of a gym membership, the gas to get there, and be able to workout when I want with my protein shakes, and having the equipment available to use when I want it.
Takes up minimal space (4X4)
Smooth As Silk
Upper / Lower Pulleys
6 Weight horns in back
Dual function as a Smith or Free Weight machine
Been around for 30 yrs
USA Made (almost impossible to find, even Tuff Stuff is made in China)
Optional Olympic sleeve adapters
Haven't found any negatives yet.
Buy your Ironmaster IM2000 self spotting machine here
Check out the Ironmaster Calf Block
Buy your Ironmaster IM2000 self spotting machine here
Buy your Ironmaster IM2000 self spotting machine here
Jul 06, 22 01:48 PM
Sep 20, 21 02:39 PM
Jul 07, 21 05:35 PM