I designed this web site with home gym body building in mind.
You know who you are, the dedicated weight lifter who rolls out of bed at 5 am and rambles down to the basement, spare bedroom or garage and lifts in the comfort and convenience of your OWN home gym.
I am just a weight lifter like you.
I'm a little obsessive compulsive about exercising, gaining muscle and strength training specifically, and like to research everything excessively.
I've put all the information I've found about bodybuilding into this site, and will continue to update the content on a regular basis.
This is my main goal for this web site - creating a World Wide Web home gym exercising community. A place to meet and discuss bodybuilding, fitness, equipment and what works and what doesn't.
Everyone is an expert on some topic.
We can all learn from each other.
Please contact me if there's any topic you'd like to find here, if you have any corrections or additions to the information provided, or if you want to leave feedback or suggestions for improving this website.
Now make yourself a protein shake, pull up a chair, and feel free to browse here! Home-Gym-Bodybuilding is growing rapidly, so check back frequently.
Use the navigational bar on the left and let's get started!
Barry C.
Keep liftin'
New Ironmaster Quick Lock Dumbbell 45lb set - CLICK HERE
Jul 06, 22 01:48 PM
Sep 20, 21 02:39 PM
Jul 07, 21 05:35 PM